“On the Way to Edinu – The Board Game” is an educational tool that provokes reflection about origins of radicalization as well as a need for solidarity among Europeans
Players dive into roles of leaders of 5 Tribes inhabiting the land of Edinu. Their task is to assure safety and well-being of their Tribe. In the same time they need to figure out a way to organize the society in Edinu – society that consist of several Tribes. During the game players gather resources, go for expeditions and defend the town from an external thread – bloodthirsty mutants.
The game can be played I a group from 3 to 15 players, although groups over 5 players require external facilitation. The whole game play last from 3-4 hours.
As the game is an educational tool it is recommended to use it as a part of a workshop – proceeded with an introduction and followed by a group discussion.
Scenario of the workshop, as well as all materials needed for the game can be downloaded from this page. We adopted the game to be possible to print it by everyone on home printer.
If you are interested to participate in the workshop facilitated by us, using the full, large-scale version of the game contact us at deutschland@europe4youth.eu.
The Board Game was produced by Europe4Youth Deutschland Association within a project “Tokens of History” financed by European Solidarity Corps.
Chamber LARP Scenario “On the Way to Edinu” was designed within a Strategic Partnership project “DiveIN – developing eduLARP methodology to prevent violent radicalization of young people organized by Fahrten-Ferne-Abenteuer and Europe4Youth Association.